Stunning large format full bodied polished concrete porcelain tiles available in sizes 120 x 120 / 120 x 60 / 60 x 60.
B-Concrete is a cutting edge designer range of large format full bodied polished concrete style porcelain wall and floor tile available is the stunning 1200mm x 1200mm tile size.
B-Concrete polished concrete style tiles are made with the new Continua tile making method that guarantees every tile is unique in appearance.
B-concrete is made with small stone particles embedded into the surface of the tile to create a totally real life look. The B-Concrete polished concrete tile range is available in pale grey in a Lapatto finish.
Perfect for walls and floors - Kitchens, Bathrooms, & Living Areas.
B-Concrete is available in R9 finishes which is perfect for both internal and external spaces.
B-Concrete is available in the following sizes
1200 x 1200
1200 x 600
600 x 600
Can be used in the following